Uplifting Passers

(This term 'uplift' is shamelessly taken from a series of science fiction books by David Brin and shows our attitude towards juggling...)

On this page we shall attempt to explain some methods for creating club passers and improving their skills.

Old School

In double juggling or team juggling of any kind, it goes without saying that each person must have complete mastery of three clubs before he can juggle with another person.
- Harry Lind, quoted in the Manual of Juggling, by Max Holden, 1947

It seems that almost everyone was taught to pass after they could keep a cascade going at least reasonably well. There then followed a period when they had to learn to pass every so often (4-count, 6-count), which caused major disruption in the cascade and (usually) horrid throws to the partner.

Different school

Did you know that is possible to create a competent club passer who cannot juggle a cascade, even with balls? Haven't you always wanted a passing partner...?

The secret is in picking patterns that require no self throws on the part of the student, and progressing... eventually even to Ultimates (or beyond?)!

The progression

Dave! Help! until the passer can do Ultimates.
  1. 4-club patterns (one-handed for non-juggler, then two-handed... 4-counts, 3-counts)
  2. 5-club patterns
  3. 6-club patterns -- (6-count?), 4-count, (5-count? one-in-five or PSPSS?), 2-count, 3-count, 1-count
  4. Advanced (patterns with with hurries, diagonals, etc.)
An interesting side benefit from learning some of the early patterns is that 'hurries' can be learned outside of a juggle.


Some of these exercises are for getting to or passing from intermediate passing. In the future, we will break them down by "skill level".

Last updated 22 May 2004
These pages have been created and are maintained by Dave Davis and Ron Harvey.
Copyright 2003-2004 Dave? Ron? Aerial Mirage?